Monday, May 28, 2012

Mutual fund investors chase the dollar

JAKARTA . U.S. dollar -denominated mutual funds ( U.S. ) to be excellent during April 2012 . The exchange rate of U.S. dollar against the rupiah to fluctuate a reason for investors placing funds in mutual funds .
Data Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam - ​​LK ) noted, the total increase in funding or U.S. dollar -denominated mutual fund subscription of U.S. $ 372,180 . That number is far greater than the liquidated value of the fund , or redemption , which reached about U.S. $ 356,443 .
The total funds under management of mutual funds until April 2012 reached U.S. $ 408.02 million . While the total units recorded 393.21 million units . That figure is somewhat lower than the data by the end of March the stock market according to observers , Rudiyanto , reaching U.S. $ 417 million .
Throughout April, the U.S. dollar exchange rate likely rose to 0.33 % to Rp 9177 . Under these conditions continue, until Friday ( 25/5 ) , equivalent to U.S. dollar exchange rate of Rp 9454 . It was the most expensive price of U.S. dollar since the end of 2010 .
Based on data from Bapepam - ​​LK , mutual funds are the best-selling U.S. dollars in April , is Danareksa Jasmine Premium Dollar . These mutual funds in the month received subscription of U.S. $ 136,398 . While this fund redemption at U.S. $ 20,882 .
This means that the mutual fund receives net subscription of U.S. $ 115,516 . Total net asset value ( NAV ) of mutual funds as of April U.S. $ 33.37 million .
Mutual funds are another major recipient of subscription is Investa Funds Mutual Self dollar , which reached U.S. $ 85,100.84 . Redemption value being U.S. $ 2,787.76 . NAV of mutual funds reached U.S. $ 14.98 million .
Dollar fund was experiencing the greatest redemption is Schroder USD Bond Fund. Disbursement of the fund value of U.S. $ 207,272.76 . 're Subscription is only U.S. $ 37,935.43 . Total funds under management Schroder USD Bond Fund U.S. $ 57.47 million .
spread width
President Director of PT Infovesta , Parto Kawito , said the decline in the rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollar prompted investors to enter the mutual fund dollars . Understandably , the dollar mutual funds promising higher yields than the placement of funds in the bank . "If the returns of mutual funds in U.S. dollars may be 4 % , while deposits in the bank is only about 1 % , " said Parto , Friday ( 25/5 ) .
Investors also avoid the high foreign exchange selling and buying rate when dealing with the U.S. dollar in the bank . " Today the spread is the buying and selling the U.S. dollar is USD 400 . Spread the U.S. dollar is high indicates the middle of the rare , " said Parto .
By Parto , the high spread will reduce the profits that can be pocketed by the investor . Panin Bank buying rate at the end of this week , recorded Rp 9,300 , while the selling rate of Rp 9700 . "Whereas entry fee mutual funds that only about 0.5 % to 1 % , " he said .
Parto also add a dollar invested in mutual funds can also be used as a means of hedging and investment diversification . " The instrument is appropriate for investors who have a need for funds in dollars , such as paying school fees , " he said .
In the short term , the U.S. dollar is still going strong . He guessed that the yield of this fund could reach 4 % at the end of the year ( )

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