If you want to succeed in business
on the internet , one of the conditions is to have a website or blog that has a
lot of visitors (high traffic) . With so many traffic visitors , your chances
for greater success .
By having an abundance of visitors , you can get more sales . By having an
abundance of visitors , you can offer advertising spots are more expensive than
the sites or blogs that air- traffic low .
Well then the question is :
How do I increase traffic to your site or blog ?
Answer from me :
There are so many, I own to implement dozens of ways to increase traffic to
websites and my blogs .
And the good news ... I will share
with you some way :)
* I do good ? *
OK , so when we started the tips ( my focus for the blog ) .
[ 1 ] Use the easy to remember domain name
If you want to increase traffic , try to have your own domain name .
If you want your site or your blog with great success , then the first thing
you notice is your name . Same with if you want to be a celebrity , your name
should be easy to remember.
Which is more easily remembered by you :
namaAnda.com or namaAnda.wordpress.com or
namaAnda.blogspot.com or namaAnda.domainTertentu.com ?
I think any answer namaAnda.com .
So now the question which is more easily remembered by visitors to your site ?
And which one would they prefer to visit ? [ which in turn will create higher
traffic ]
I think the answer will remain the same , namaAnda.com .
Therefore , try to have an own domain . The visitors will tend to remember the
name short and they would prefer to visit sites that have a short name .
Do not let them run away just because the name of your website / blog that is
too long .
[ 2 ] Write a pillar articles
The definition of pillar articles are the articles that serve as a "
pillar / buffer " traffic to your site .
These articles are usually an article of type " list" , like 10 Tips
to Improve traffic , Top 5 Blog Technology , Definition of Internet Marketing ,
and the like .
These types of articles will attract traffic pillar like how magnets attract
iron , because people will always find articles like this . People always need
information about the definition of a thing, or the 10 best list for xxxxxxx or
the like .
Unlike with articles that talk about personal experiences , people are not too
interested in such articles . May be interested , but will be forgotten --- and
ultimately were not visited again , and not referenced to others .
The bottom line : the articles are always sought after and make others want to
visit it many times PLUS pass it to others .
[ 3 ] Be diligent to update the post
One of the most important tips to increase the number of visits to your blog is
to write often .
People will be happy to visit your blog if they always get a new article ,
which is fresh , fresh. They will not like it, even disappointed , if it comes
to your blog and just treated to the old articles .
It was probably treated like a stale fish .
So if you want your site to have a loyal reader , who regularly visited ,
frequently update your blog . My suggestion , at least 2-3 days there should be
a new article . Or , if you can every day even better .
[ 4 ] Frequently commented
To get traffic to your blog , one of the other ways that can be used is often
commented on another blog .
By the time you write a comment on another blog , of course you will be asked
for the URL ( address ) from your site / blog , is not it? Well , from where
traffic is coming .
Make sure you include your blog URL correctly , or the URL of the blog post you
want to promote it properly.
[ 5 ] Use Feedburner
To increase traffic to your blog , one of the other tips you can do is to
utilize the services of feedburner.com .
Take advantage of free services from feedburner.com to increase the number of
RSS reader of your blog , or even to facilitate the readers who want to enjoy
your blog via email .
I personally use FeedBurner to haryoprabowo.com , and the results for each post
I could have dozens or even hundreds of readers in an instant (and free ) .
[ 6 ] Submit your article to Social
Do not underestimate the power of viral marketing !
Submit your articles to various social bookmarking services like del.icio.us ,
technorati.com or digg.com or to increase your traffic .
Every time someone did searching an appropriate topic with the article you
submit to these sites , you have the opportunity to get additional traffic
visitors are free .
[ 7 ] Optimization SEO
Get many more free traffic from SEO !
Learn SEO ( not described in this article ) and apply it to your blog / site,
and even for the pages in your site / blog . Traffic from SEO is highly
qualified and targetted , and 100 % free .
My own experience , for some domains I have, I can produce about 300-400
visitors per day for free just by relying on SEO alone . Free traffic , free
money .
So do not waste it.
[ 8 ] Create an article that is
"in" ( popular )
A simple trick that can make your blog get rich is to make the trip to the post
title ( and content ) is concerned with a thing which is becoming a "
trend " in the community .
Suppose that the society is no case of " Flooding in Jakarta " or
" Mount Merapi erupts " , then you can try to create an article in
this regard .
By writing articles related to an event that is popular , so you can attract a
lot of links from other blogs or even occupy high positions in search engines (
eg Google ) for keywords related news articles ( since no other blogs that
discuss ) .
In the end , your traffic can increase dramatically .
[ 9 ] Exchange links
Old-fashioned way ? Eits , should not be underestimated . Exchanging links even
looks old , but I see for yourself that this is very effective .
Blogs I could get a few hundred ( not hundreds ) of new visitors a day just
from the results of exchanging links with many other blogs .
If you are really serious business, do not waste a single visitor. For a
visitor who knows that you consider " trivial " ( not significant )
of visitors who actually " bring money " for you .
Never underestimate the little things .
[ 10 ] Place an ad
As a last resort , if indeed you have no talent in a variety of promotions for
free , or you need instant results that normally can not be achieved through
the free traffic , my advice is : advertising .
You can use various means of advertising , ranging from PPC Text , to the
banner . Starting from a specific network to handle advertising ( like Google
Adwords , KumpulBlogger ) or advertising on personal blogs of others.
The last way is frankly a bit expensive , but if you can use it well (
traffiknya mennjadi play money ) , it does not matter . It costs nothing to
advertise if they received the results of several thousand to several million .
Is not it ?
Hopefully helpful, :)